Katrina Cox

Help me take the stigma out of mental health!

I'm running 100k's to raise 1000K in the month of October!  

I'm standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness doesn’t discriminate - and neither should we.

Now I have time to do something good.

I'm sharing my story so that others can too.  

I want to see organisations welcome diversity in all shapes - I hope for a world that embrases mental illness in all forms - not one that that fears it.  

Having a mental illness makes you resilient, caring, patient and hard working.  Capable and talented.  

My Updates

Running to move forward with my own journey

Wednesday 16th Sep
Big hugs to those special people who have contributed to my journey.  Those who know me well know that I'm speaking up so that others can feel comfortable to as well.  
We are nearly half way there!
Help me get there.  This challenge is providing so much more than just a run.  For me it keeps me moving forward physically and metophorically.  

You can't buy motivation...

Sunday 13th Sep
So I've racked up 40K this week so far - woo hoo.  I have a certain old man who insists on coming with me then makes me push/pull or just say 'good boy' to get him up the hills.  Today, we got ready to go out but I'm not 100% sure he is up for it. bahahahah 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jessica Conradie

you go girl such an important topic and message to spread


Susan And Aman Singh

You got this x


Alistair Fernandes

Great cause!! Best of luck reaching your goal and may this be one of many 😊


Amy Shepherd

For you and your pup! From a fellow walker ✌🏼


Elle Vijeon


Jason Vuddamalay

Good luck g


Katrina Cox


M Long

A small way to repay you and everything but of support you gave me x


Lynne Calam

Go team. Miss u


Jason Wong

Run Forrest, run!


Williams Family

Still got your back. Morgan