Team KHS

Create Your Own

Help us create a mentally healthier world

We're standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Australians every year, with the most common being depression and anxiety. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life — individuals, families, workplaces and communities.

Please donate today!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Isabella Thompson

Doing great work


Michelle Arkell

Well Done team Khs


Andrew Mcinerney

I’ll throw $50 at that stick of hair. Well done mate!!


Kate Boyd

Well done, Team KHS!




Tim Windsor

A little extra after I missed the lunch time chop


Chris Toohey

What a great team! Just fantastic!!!




Melinda Arrighi

You guys! The perfect excuse for a mullet :)


Mary Loutas

Well done guys.


Erin Leonhardt



Coffee money!




Claudia Else


Khs Src

Teacher hair colour challenge!




Sharon C


Mrs Lowis

Well done to everyone and Yr 12 for your efforts


Mr Large



Ben Rostron

Well done to you guys and the team of students.


Courtney Jardine

Great work guys!


Kellie Nyman


Jackie Scheers

Well done guys


Charlton Kent

I should have got the mullet 🥺 they look awesome


Elettra Else-duffy

Terrible hair but great cause!


Steve Bird