The Morgue at Rochedale

By The Morgue at Rochedale Join Me


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A halloween spooktacular event for the whole family! Now in it’s 5th year, we hope to be able to keep raising money for this amazing organisation!

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Fast Passes for 2024

Wednesday 20th Mar
Hi Ghouls!

After the success of last year’s fast passes, we are bringing them back for 2024! But they are now called Gravedigger Passes. 
Gravedigger Passes get you one skip-the-queue for the MAIN MAZE ENTRY (clubhouse entrance) & includes entry to the optional super scary rooms! (Separate to the main maze, in the change rooms)

You DO NOT need a Gravedigger Pass for the kids maze or food trucks, which is a main entrance at the field. That entrance is gold coin donation, and you also end up there after going through the main maze. You also don’t need a Gravedigger Pass for the Family Fright Fest days. The main maze will only be open 5-9pm on those days. 

Gravedigger Passes are $10each. We have a limit of 100 per night. To purchase, please donate to this page the amount that corresponds with how many Gravedigger Passes you’d like. For example, if you want 4 passes, please donate $40. You can always donate more, just comment with how many passes your donation is for. 

YOU MUST COMMENT WHICH DATE THE PASSES ARE FOR or we won’t be able to allocate them to you. The dates are:
Sat Oct 26
Sun Oct 27
Thurs Oct 31
Fri Nov 1
Sat Nov 2
All dates are 5-9pm for the main maze. 

To collect your Gravedigger Passes, please show your donation receipt at the Gravedigger booth at the front of the Clubhouse on the night hou have chosen

Thank you to my Sponsors


The Morgue At Rochedale 2021 - 2023