The Weekly 2021

Create Your Own

Week 4 November

With the month coming to an end so far we have run 754.54km's. We have had 4 injures in the group throughout this month which has held us back a bit. We are all going to continue running into December until we finish our k's.

We have had 3 people achieve their goals which they set out at the start of the month which is great to see. 

Thanks, everyone for the support throughout this month it has been great and has really helped us all to get out there and get a bit of exercise in. 

Week 3 November

As a team this week we had a great week and managed to do 275.17km this week. That takes us to a total of 660km for this month It is looking like we may struggle to reach our goal but as some of us have been injured we are going to have extend the month of running to allow us to finish the 1100km. Huge congrats to Tom Macdonald and Matt Chang for reaching their running targets

Week 2 November

As a team, so far we have managed to run 386.8km which means we have done about 225km this week. 
We are pushing hard and hopefully next week we will be closer to our target. Everyone is doing a great job and putting in 100% effort which is great to see.

Week 1 November

As a team, we managed to run 161.44km since the beginning of this month. 
Pretty good effort from us since we've had a couple of injuries and a few people in the middle of exams. 
Hopefully next week we can get back on track with our target. 

Help us create a mentally healthier world

In November as a group, we are aiming to run 1100km for men's mental health. 

We are standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Australians every year, with the most common being depression and anxiety. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life — individuals, families, workplaces and communities.

Please donate today!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Guy Hinton

Keep up the running pal!


George And Kate Hinton

Well done RT, good luck!


Mel Oblak



Jacquie Vains

Love your work Tommy💕.. great cause!


Kate Macdonald

Great cause Tom. Hoping the team reaches the target


Stephen Boykett

Nice work Tom!


Standfield Shaun


Louise Standfield

Well done!


Andrew Boorer

Good luck Callum


Cathy & Scott Mchenry


Your Family

Great effort Sam & team.


Jasmine Tan

Keep up the good running speedy!


Sally Macdonald And Markman Family

From your Sydney family - the (Mac) Markmans. xo


Riley N


Jackie Ramsay

You champion.


Gill Hunt

Great effort for an excellent cause!


Deed Family

Congrats on your efforts for a great cause! Well done Sam!


Lee Anderson

Such a worthy cause Sam. Fantastic that you and your mates are taking action to raise awareness 😊



Killin it❤️


Kerry Choong



Congrats Sam on a great effort for a great cause.


Tom Macdonald


Jasmine Tan

Keep up the good running Stanny!



Onya mate!


Angus Standfield


Ann Carruthers

Good work Sam


Victor Chang


Trish Boykett

Tom you have chosen a great cause to fundraiser for.




Kate Skinner

Good work Sam!!


Siriwardane Rishi


Emma Gates


Julie Brown

Good work Cal!


Bianca Vains

Proud of you Tommy ❤️ Go team


William Duncan

Good luck Arthur!! Great stuff 💪🏼💪🏼


The Baglows

A great cause. Well done Sam.


David Hook


Jack Graves

Stan loves running > Stan loves beer




Valerie Macdonald

Good luck Tom. X


Sam Skinner




Good effort Tom!


Sally Wheeldon

Keep running Arthur. Lots of love G.S.



Amazing work! Keep it up!


Ethan Watson

