One Small Step - Trek to Everest Base Camp

By Mark Phillips Join Me

Help me make it meaningful

Hey guys, I have made the decision to embark on a trek to Everest Base Camp in April 2024, with the goal of raising funds for mental health.

The fundraiser aims to support the Black Dog Institute, who are dedicated to improving mental health awareness and support through much needed medical research.

By conquering the heights of Everest Base Camp, I hope to symbolise the strength and resilience needed to overcome mental health challenges. Through this journey, I aim to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Your generous contributions will directly impact the lives of individuals struggling with mental health conditions. Together, we can make a difference. 

Thank you for your support.


My Achievements

My Updates

One Month Countdown

Wednesday 27th Mar

On the first day of 2024, I made a commitment to dust off my gym clothes, pull on my running shoes and commence a 4 month intense training schedule in preparation for my trek to Everest Base Camp. Today marks the final 4 week count down and geez am I excited!

Over the past 3 months I have focussed primarily on increasing my physical strength and fitness through gym, cardio exercises and sporting activities, whilst also focussing on strengthening my overall mental health and wellbeing. Let’s be honest, it hasn’t been all roses and sunshine, there was some challenging moments, but with the support and care from those around me I have been able to stay on target and kick a few goals along the way. They have honestly been pivotal in my journey to say the least.

As of today, I am also proud to say that we (yes we) have raised $1,877 towards mental health research, a cause sincerely close to my heart. These funds will support the amazing work that the Black Dog institute does, so thankyou!

During the final 4 weeks of my training programme I will seek to shift my focus to building up my leg strength and endurance, whilst continuing to push my cardio to ensure I am in tip top shape for the big trek.

Again, thankyou to everyone who has supported my ‘One Small Step’ cause and I look forward to providing you all with an update in 4 weeks time!

Mark xx

Be the change you want to see - Week 8

Friday 23rd Feb

Checkpoint success. 8 weeks ago I set out on a journey to improve my overall physical and mental health in preparation for my trek to EBC. With the amazing support of my friends and family, I have managed to raise more than $1,800 towards mental health research, I’m simply blown away by the generosity of others!! You guys kinda rock!

Last weekend I pulled myself out of bed at 6am to complete my first 5km Fun Run to raise money towards #breastcancerawareness, another cause that is close to my heart. *see my cheeky selfie!

Eight weeks down, 11kgs lighter and feeling incredible, and how you may ask?

Firstly, it’s belief. Belief that you can do it, even when the odds are against you and it’s so much easier just to give up, #staystrong, you can do it and you will succeed.

And motivation. Motivation to wake up every morning and tackle each day as if it were a new challenge.

Base drop. It’s not easy, granted, and it probably never will be, but boy oh boy has it been worth it!

Look forward to sharing my next update x

Challenge equals progress - Week 6

Friday 9th Feb

Hi guys, wow week 6 down already! Training is in full flight and feeling fantastic both physically and mentally! Weekly training schedule includes 3 days in the gym working on both upper and lower body strength, pre-season AFL football training as well as 3 gruelling outdoor cardio sessions.

On 1 January 2024, I weighed in at 90.6kg on the scales and am now sitting at 81.4kg, thanks to a simple but clean diet of lean meats, lots of vegetables and fruits! Most importantly, I couldn’t have gotten here without the love, support and kindness of my partner, friends and family, who have been my driving inspiration!

My program will shift from week 8 to focus more on strength and conditioning, in preparation for the big hike! Keep an eye out for my next update, till then x

Ps donning my new running shades! Thanks for the tip @bradblackwell

First strength training sesh done & dusted

Tuesday 2nd Jan
Back in action! 💪 First gym session of 2024 done and dusted. Feels great to kick off the year with a solid workout. Here's to crushing those fitness goals! 💥 #NewYearNewGains #GymLife

The adventure begins

Monday 1st Jan
Day 1 of Basecamp Training - it’s time to get down to business! Amazing morning walk around Albert Park lake followed up by a great cardio sesh down at Central Park Malvern 🙌 #IgniteDayOneStrength

One giant leap

Friday 22nd Dec

Hey guys, firstly, wow!! I am truly overwhelmed with the level of incredible generosity and support towards my ‘One Small Step’ fundraiser for mental health.

To everyone who has donated, thank you for your kindness and belief in this cause, I simply cannot express my appreciation enough. I am also thrilled to announce that my target of $1k has not only been reached, but exceeded!!!

Your contributions will make a profound difference in the lives of those affected by mental health challenges.

Thank you for standing with me in this endeavor. Your support means the world.


What an amazing start!

Monday 4th Dec
Hey guys, what a start! Firstly, a huge thanks to everyone who has donated so far towards this amazing cause! Your support means the world and helps raise awareness to such an important matter!

Over the course of the next 5 months I will share with you my important milestones, as I prepare for the journey to Base Camp! I look forward to bringing you along on my adventure!


Thank you to my Sponsors



What an awesome achievement Mark!! Such a great cause to support!


Ray Barnard

Great work Mark.


Erin Vandenoever

What a great cause Mark! You should be super proud. Goodluck!!!



Good luck for the hike Phillo. Going to miss you around the ruck contest, but looking forward to hearing about it all once you're back. Amazing work mate and for a great cause as well


Mack Lokiah

All the Best Biggie, Go get that Big Mountain Champ! You can Do This👍🏻


Annie Martin

What a wonderful person you are!! Thinking of others before yourself is such an admirable quality!! We are So proud of you and look after yourself on the base camp trek.. it’s an amazing challenge and great achievement !! Well done!!



Amazing goal for an amazing cause - good luck!


Kirsten O'brien

Huge effort, have the best time!



All the best on your journey my friend. A great effort for a great cause.


Robbie Alexander

good work mate. i've always wanted to do this hike. i can't wait to hear about it :)


Ben Jeffs & Gabrielle Curtain

Well done mate.



Rate this highly



Good luck mate


Bri Lane

Good luck Sparkles!


Helen Kratzmann



Go Mark!!


Bee & Dar Braunwalder


Kate Hong

This is a great cause. Good on you!


Dale Phillips

Good luck Bruz!


Dan And Jess

Well done done on you, great cause.


Joey Daly

Sparkles, can’t believe what are you about to do. But also not surprised, you are an amazing human being and always achieve what you want when you put your mind to it. So excited for you. Smash it!



Merry Xmas Markimoo!! And I hope you have an amazing birthday!! Xxoo


Gemma F

An incredibly worthy cause - best of luck Mark!


Tracey Anderson


Chanel Mcmahon

Good luck Mark!!!


Kate Herden

What a fantastic cause. I am in awe of your dedication




Jess Scott

Go Mark! Proud of you! Jess


Carol Phillips

Good luck Mark 😊


Leigh Ryan

Hits close to home, good on ya Phillo!


Mark Bartlett

Proud of you, Markyboy


Jarrod Purchase


David Hughes

Good luck mate


Alan Moriarty

Well done and good luck mate


Sarah Phillips

You have my support ♡ Sis xx


David Larne

Love your work phillo 💪🏼💪🏼


Russell Chee

It’s important to talk about mental health and bring awareness to those who need it most. Just like looking after your physical side by working out, we gotta talk about our feelings and practise good health of the mind. Get it Mark, proud of you buddy!



Reach for the stars, you’ve got this 💪


Mark Phillips