Matthews Fundraiser

By Matthew Lynch Join Me

1000 100 10 1 Challenge for Mental Health

This month, I am challenging myself to do more for myself, my community and those struggling with mental health disorders. I am committed to helping those who are suffering. By the end of this month I will have:

 - $1000 raised

 - 100km ran

 - 10 events held ( fundraising/community service)

 - 1 bettered self

Mental health disorders are more prevalent than ever, with 1 in 5 Australians suffering. It's time we spread awareness about our mental health and support institutions such as the black dog institute which have dedicated themselves to understanding and treating a range of mental health disorders.

I ask for every 10km I run this month, you donate $1 and for every event I participate in $1. If you can, $50 goes a long way in helping this insitute and would be greatly appreciated.

Please help those struggling today, donate now.

My Achievements