Music for the mind

By Anna Aria Arnold Join Me

Help me make it meaningful

According to the 2010 National Psychosis Survey there are 64,000 people in Australia aged 18–64 that have experienced a psychotic illness. This equates to 5 cases per 1,000 population. 

I am raising awareness to help dismantle the stigmatization of mental illness, and make the community more aware of how we can change our vocabulary around these topics. 

I can only hope that with more understanding and compassion, more information and more funding that more help can be received to individuals going through mental health crisis's. 

That’s why I’m raising funds for the Black Dog Institute, to support crucial mental health research and support services that help Australians impacted by mental illness and suicide.

Help me create a meaningful moment for mental health, all for a great cause.

Please donate now. Thank you.


My Achievements