Salsa for the Black Dog Institute

By Nick O'Meara Join Me

Help me make it meaningful

Something very close to my heart. Over the years I've had my struggles with deep depression and at times I've contemplated taking my own life. Through the help of friends, family I have been able to fight on and thrive in life. 

I am one of the lucky ones though. According to lifeline, 8.6 Australians die every day by suicide, 75% of those being male. That's why I have decided to use my skill as a dancer and teacher to help raise money for the Black Dog Institute. Please come along. enjoy some Salsa dancing and possibly strike up a conversation with someone. Who knows, you may be the small ray of light that someone needs ❤️❤️❤️ All proceeds from the class will be donated to the Black Dog Institute.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Geoff Gunstone


Cecilia Farley






Gayle James


Brian Gleeson


Kerri Wellman




Andrea Scott

Great cause to dance for! Great to be helping others 😊


Brett Whittle


Amy Johansen


Sarah Fawdry

Wonderful cause, you are doing a great job Nick!!


Ilze Alexander




Ian Patrick


Sinead Gibson


Tim And Donna Rowe

Such a great cause x


Alex Macpherson

Sorry cant be there. Hope you have a good night dancing


Cathy Boerema

See you Wednesday Nick.


Felicity Mitchell

Great work Nick!


Ryan Brown

Can't come dance sorry Nick, but a good cause is a good cause.


Dave Rickshaw

Good on ya Nick. Restecp.


Mischa Grupp


Hansi Fernando


Oscar Tg

Donation sent Cheers Oscar

