Take ya time and talk to a mate

Create Your Own

Help us create a mentally healthier world

We're standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Australians every year, with the most common being depression and anxiety. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life — individuals, families, workplaces and communities.

Please donate today!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kelly Kessels

You guys absolutely rock!! Goodluck reaching your goal and beyond!!!!


Jamie Clarke

Good work boys! I stuffer from the black dog myself I hope you meet your goal


Wendy Stanton

So proud of all of you boys . what a great way to raise money for a great cause .super proud of my nephew Riley.



Your doing a good cause boys, We need more people like you in the world, Am raising $2500 To Black Dog Institute too! Hopefully You reach you goal one day boys








Holly Young


Talissa O’neil

Keep up the good work boys ❤️