Aaron Wallace

Help me create a mentally healthier world

I'm standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Australians every year, with the most common being depression and anxiety. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life — individuals, families, workplaces and communities.

Please donate today!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Steve Pearce

Well done Pete & Aaron - Steve


Briana Powell


Lisa Brady

Hope the haircut is a success!


Shawn Uppal

Good job Aaron & Peter! Great initiative!




The Watson Brothers

A worthwhile cause Aaron - we're looking forward to seeing your radical chop-top Pete!


Emma O'connor

Great work Aaron


Jane Witherow


Chris & Michelle Berg

Anything's worth paying to have you cut your mop-top Watto!


Phil Garoni

Great work Aaron, a great cause to support.


Luciana Sansone

Wonderful initiative!


Hayley Gosling

Good luck!


Kate O'toole

Good luck!


Jennie Gilliver

Well done. Great cause. Thank you for taking the challenge


Dan Wilkinson

Nice one Pete!!!!




Chloe Powell


Shane Sinclair

Goid work mate


Steve Belli


Emma O'donnell


Tayla Bright

Well done Peter.


Kim Warne


Bruce Braines



Great initiative Aaron. Good man Peter


Penny Perfrement - Isc

Awesome initiative gents. Let's all keeping talking about mental health....everyday is R U OK day!


Paul Allwood


Julie Skeggs

Appreciate your sacrifice and support for fellow humans Aaron. Important cause, everyone needs to look out for each other :)


Sarah-jane Harrington




Matt Smith

Great stuff Peter/Aaron! Well done!




Aaron Wallace

Well done Peter Snip Snip can’t wait.



Great cause : ) Well done Peter and Aaron !


Sam Niedra

Great work fellas, I've chipped in extra for a Peter Garrett dance tribute :)


Simone Sockett

Well done Peter!