No Lights, No Lycra North Brisbane

Help us raise funds for mental health and well being!

I'm standing up to join Team Black Dog to turn ground breaking research into life saving action.

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Australians every year, with the most common being depression and anxiety. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life — individuals, families, workplaces and communities. I have learnt many of us go through these emotions without even realising it, they just effect some more than others. It is a real issue more and more people face each year, and through COVID. We are choosing to support and build awareness of a challenging issue.

Please join us in supporting and donating today!

Thank you to my Sponsors



Mental health is a growing issue in todays society, with more and more people facing the struggles daily. I love dancing on a Monday night to start my week on a high and set myself free.